Inventory Control Tables
stiinvtr - inventory item table
item_code char(20), - uniq code to identify given item
item_type char(1), - item type: [S]-stock, [N]-non-stock
all item type will be stock
we will not
store non-stock items.
history will be kept at
the PO and
OE modules.
item_class char(6), - product class
(used for
reporting and item grouping)
price_group char(6), - group items for price discount.
(.iX group_pricing in oe)
desc1 char(30), - item description line 1
desc2 char(30), - item description line 2
weight decimal(8,3), - weight of item
weight_unit char(2), - weight unit lable - "OZ",
note: all items
should be defined
with the
same unit lable. there
currently no conversion program
associate the different lables.
volume decimal(8,3), - volume of unit
inv_acct_no integer, - inventory asset account number
cog_acct_no integer, - cost of good account number
sales_acct_no integer, - sales account number
sell_unit char(2), - selling unit lable - "BX",
"CT", "EA"
bill_unit char(2), - billing unit lable - "BX",
"CT", "EA"
stock_unit char(2), - stocking unit lable - "BX",
"CT", "EA"
purch_unit char(2), - purchase unit lable - "BX",
"CT", "EA"
sell_factor decimal(6), - selling unit / stocking unit
bill_factor decimal(6), - billing unit / stocking unit
purch_factor decimal(6) - purchase unit / stocking unit
serialized char(1), - serialized? [ ]-null for non-serial
[S]-serial control
[L]-lot control
[B]-both lot and serial
market_price char(1) - subject to market price.
this field
will let oe change the price
at the
shipment phase.
commodity_code char(10) - reference only: standardized federal or
vend_code char(20),
incr_sell_unit decimal(10),
incr_purch_unit decimal(10),
comm_code char(6) - Commission Code
type_it char(1), - BOM Columns
prod_type_it char(1),
abc_code_it char(1),
product_it char(3),
acctcd_it char(13),
department_it char(3),
low_level_it smallint,
revision_level_it char(3),
num_eng_change_it char(6),
date_eng_change_it date,
eng_drawing_it char(15),
bill_chng_date_it date,
rout_chng_date_it date,
standard_cost_it decimal(14,4),
date_last_cost_it date,
order_policy_it char(1),
cur_order_qty_it decimal(10),
eoq_order_qty_it decimal(10),
min_order_qty_it decimal(10),
max_order_qty_it decimal(10),
mult_order_qty_it decimal(10),
safety_stock_it decimal(10),
shrinkage_it decimal(10),
planner_it char(5),
buyer_it char(5),
component_count_it smallint,
routing_count_it smallint,
mfg_alloc_qty_it decimal(10),
mfg_order_qty_it decimal(10),
loc_control_it char(1),
fifo_control_it char(1),
lot_control_it char(1),
serial_control_it char(1),
group_it char(3),
cost_method_it char(3),
cur_suhr_std_it decimal(10),
cur_runhr_std_it decimal(10),
cur_machr_std_it decimal(10),
mrp_interval_it char(1),
issue_method_it char(1),
phantom_it char(1),
cur_last_roll_it date,
days_supply_it smallint,
mrp_qty_work_it decimal(10,3),
mfg_sched_rcp_it decimal(10,3),
cost_roll_sts_it smallint,
est_annual_usg_it decimal(10,3),
master_schedule_it char(1),
mps_group_it char(15),
mps_interval_it char(2),
interval_ofst_it smallint,
auto_rsc_build_it char(1),
rough_rsc_id_it char(10),
rough_conv_it decimal(8,4),
demand_source_it char(1),
forecast_it char(1),
fcst_group_it char(15),
fcst_interval_it char(2),
qty_or_amount_it char(1),
default_bom_it char(5),
default_rtg_it char(5),
last_rsc_gen_it date,
rev_prod_lt_it decimal(12,6),
fix_prod_lt_it decimal(12,6),
var_prod_lt_it decimal(12,6),
cumulative_lt_it decimal(12,6),
auto_msg_prod_it char(6),
pur_rel_type_it char(1),
configurable_it char(1),
config_group_it char(15)
upc_code char(15)
stistatd - inventory period statistic table
This is the table used for calculating
Usage Rate. It is also use
to summarize the purchase and sales of
the item/warehouse for a
given period.
item_code char(20), - item code
warehouse_code char(10), - warehouse code
period smallint, - period
yr smallint, - year
cost decimal(14,4), - total actual purchase cost
sale decimal(12), - total actual sales amount
cqty decimal(10), - total actual purchase qty
sqty decimal(10), - total actual sales qty
usage_rate decimal(10), - obsolete, rate will be calculated in
day_ostk smallint, - days in the period out of stock
num_stk_outs smallint, - number of stock outs for this given
dup_sqty decimal(10), - obsolete/renamed to dup_recurr_usage
recurr_usage decimal(10), - usage that is defined as recurring
dup_recurr_usage decimal(10) - if
this is null, then the usage rate
calculated off of the
is the field that the user will
a value into if user
interaction is required.
mfg_alloc_qty_iw decimal(10,3), - BOM
standard_cost_iw decimal(14,4),
mfg_sched_rcp_iw decimal(10,3),
type_iw char(1),
acctcd_iw char(13),
department_iw char(3),
stock_uom_iw char(2),
prod_type_iw char(1),
lead_time_iw smallint,
cuml_lead_time_iw smallint,
planner_iw char(5),
buyer_iw char(5),
order_policy_iw char(1),
cur_order_qty_iw decimal(10,3),
eoq_order_qty_iw decimal(10,3),
min_order_qty_iw decimal(10,3),
max_order_qty_iw decimal(10,3),
mult_order_qty_iw decimal(10,3),
safety_stock_iw decimal(10,3),
days_supply_iw smallint,
mrp_qty_work_iw decimal(10,3),
cost_method_iw char(3),
tl_mtl_std_iw decimal(11),
tl_labor_std_iw decimal(11),
tl_setup_std_iw decimal(11),
tl_ovh_std_iw decimal(11),
tl_outs_std_iw decimal(11),
ll_mtl_std_iw decimal(11),
ll_labor_std_iw decimal(11),
ll_setup_std_iw decimal(11),
ll_ovh_std_iw decimal(11),
ll_outs_std_iw decimal(11),
default_bom_iw char(5),
default_rtg_iw char(5),
issue_method_iw char(1),
mrp_interval_iw char(1),
est_annual_usg_iw decimal(10,3),
shrinkage_iw decimal(8,4),
master_schedule_iw char(1),
mps_group_iw char(15),
mps_interval_iw char(2),
interval_ofst_iw smallint,
auto_rsc_build_iw char(1),
rough_rsc_id_iw char(10),
rough_conv_iw decimal(8,4),
demand_source_iw char(1),
forecast_iw char(1),
fcst_group_iw char(15),
fcst_interval_iw char(2),
qty_or_amount_iw char(1),
last_rsc_gen_iw date,
rev_prod_lt_iw decimal(12,6),
fix_prod_lt_iw decimal(12,6),
var_prod_lt_iw decimal(12,6),
cumulative_lt_iw decimal(12,6),
pur_rel_type_iw char(1),
mrp_chg_flag_iw char(1),
configurable_iw char(1),
config_group_iw char(15),
prod_line_iw char(5),
loc_control_iw char(1),
lot_control_iw char(1),
serial_control_iw char(1),
fifo_control_iw char(1),
serial_auto_iw char(1),
next_serial_iw decimal(10,0),
lot_auto_iw char(1),
next_lot_iw decimal(10,0)
sticntrc - inventory control table
item_type char(1), - default item type: [S]-stock [N]-non stock
item_class char(3), - default item product class
inv_acct_no integer, -
default inventory asset account number
sales_acct_no integer, - default sales
account number
cog_acct_no integer, - default cost of goods number
adj_acct_no integer, - default adjustment account number
count_acct_no integer, - default count adjustment
account number
count_cycle char(1), - default count cycle code
comm_code char(6), - default commission code
allow_bo char(1), - default to allow backorder
taxable char(1), - default to tax on item
terms_disc char(1), -
default to take terms discount
trade_disc char(1), - default to take trade discount
ic_setup_done char(1), - inventory
setup complete flag
doc_no integer, - inventory transaction document number
post_no integer, - inventory transaction posting number
use_department char(1) - use warehouse
department for asset accounts
cost_method - cost method
ilocar_ina_days - inactive days
ilocar_ret_days - retention days
class1 - ABC analysis class 1 type percent
class2 - ABC analysis class 2 type percent
class3 - ABC analysis class 3 type percent
class4 - ABC analysis class 4 type percent
class5 - ABC analysis class 5 type percent
class6 - ABC analysis class 6 type percent
class7 - ABC analysis class 7 type percent
class8 - ABC analysis class 8 type percent
class9 - ABC analysis class 9 type percent
class10 - ABC analysis class 10 type
class11 - ABC analysis class 11 type
class12 - ABC analysis class 12 type
class13 - minimum $ amount for
inclusion in class
use_batch_adj char(1), - Use Batch
control in IC Adjustment
use_approve_post char(1) - Use Post
Approval Code
approval_code char(8) - Approval Code
auto_serialize char(1),- Auto
next_ser_num integer, - Next Serial number
serl_prefix char(20), - Serial Prefix
serl_suffix char(20)); - Serial Suffix
disp_item_notes char(1)- Display Item
stipurce - purchase/receive inventory entry header table
doc_no serial, - document number
doc_date date, - document date
po_no char(20), - purchase order number
purch_desc char(30), - purchase description
vend_code char(20), - vendor
ok_post char(1) - ok to post flag
stipurcd - purchase/receive inventory entry detail table
doc_no integer, - document number
line_no smallint, - line number
item_code char(20), - item code
warehouse_code char(10), - warehouse code
purch_qty decimal(10), - purchase quantity in purchase units
purch_unit_cost decimal(14,4) -
purchase unit cost
purch_factor decimal(6) - purchase factor
stiselle - sale/shipped inventory entry table
doc_no serial, - document number
doc_date date, - document date
order_no char(20), - order number
sell_desc char(30), - sale description
cust_code char(20), - customer code
ok_post char(1) - ok to post flag
stiselld - sale/shipped inventory detail table
doc_no integer, - document number
line_no smallint, - line number
item_code char(20), - item code
warehouse_code char(10), - warehouse
sell_qty decimal(10), - quantity sold/shipped in selling units
price decimal(14,4), - selling price per selling unit
sell_factor decimal(6) - sell factor
is_recurr char(1) - is this transaction recurring
stitrane - inventory transfer entry table
doc_no serial, - document number
doc_date date, - document date
tran_no char(10), - transfer number
tran_desc char(30), - transfer description
ok_post char(1), - ok to post flag
from_wh char(10), - default from warehouse
to_wh char(10), - default to warehouse
eta_date date, - eta date
freight_amt decimal(12,2), - $ to ship
between warehouses
freight_acct integer, - GL account
freight_dept char(3) - GL department
stitrand - inventory transfer detail table
doc_no integer, - document number
line_no smallint, - line number
item_code char(20), - item code
from_wh char(3), - from warehouse
to_wh char(3), - to warehouse
tran_qty decimal(10), - transfer quantity
is_recurr char(1), - is this transaction a recurring
unit_cost decimal(14,4) - transferred from stilocar avg_unit_cost
sticadje - count adjustment header table
doc_no serial not null, - document number
doc_date date, - document date
count_desc char(30), - description
count_acct integer, - count adjustment account number
ok_post char(1), - ok to post
blind char(1), - "B"lind count,
"C"ycle count
warehouse_code char(10), - warehouse location
l_mod_date date, - last modification date
l_mod_time char(8), - last modification time
l_mod_id char(8), - last modification user
orig_journal char(2), - drill down reference
trans_doc_no integer, - drill down reference
posted char(1)
index i2sticadje on sticadje(orig_journal, trans_doc_no)
sticadjd - count adjustment detail table
doc_no integer, - document number
page_no integer, - page number
line_no smallint, - line number
item_code char(20), - item code
qty_on_hand decimal(10), - quantity on hand
adj_qty decimal(10), - adjusted quantity
l_mod_date date, - last modification date
l_mod_time char(8), -
last modification time
l_mod_id char(8), - last modification user
warehouse_code char(10) - warehouse code
stilocar - main inventory location record
# several of the fields here are for Replenishment Control Module
item_code char(20), - main key field
warehouse_code char(10), - warehouse location
line_no smallint, - no longer used
count_cycle char(1), - count cycle
purchase_date date, - last purchase date
count_date date, - last count date
sold_date date, - last sold date
obsolete char(1), - is this item obsolete?
inactive_date date, - inactive date
lst_act_date date, - last active date
loc_aisle char(4), - aisle in warehouse
loc_row char(3), - row in warehouse
loc_bin char(3), - bin in warehouse
stock_location char(12), - combination of above three fields
avg_unit_cost decimal(14,4), - average unit cost - you can enter
when you initially setup item.
it is system maintained.
purch_unit_cost decimal(14,4),-
purchase unit cost
last_cost decimal(14,4), - last purchase cost
comm_code char(6), - commodity code
price decimal(14,4), - list selling price
allow_bo char(1), - can this item go on backorder?
taxable char(1), - is this item taxable?
terms_disc char(1), - subject to terms discount?
trade_disc char(1), - subject to trade discount?
vend_code char(20), - vendor code NOT used by PO
vend_prod_no char(20), - vendor's description
abc_code char(1), - ABC code
reorder_point decimal(10), - reorder point(used with
Replenishment Module)
qty_reorder decimal(10), - quantity to reorder
safety_stock decimal(10), - safety stock
safety_factor decimal(6), - safety factor
qty_on_hand decimal(10), - quantity on hand
last_qty decimal(10), - last quantity
stk_out_date date, - date of last stock out
seasonal char(1), - is this a seasonal item?
avg_ld_tm decimal(5,2), - average lead time
lst_ld_tm smallint, - last lead time
pri_ld_tm smallint, - previous lead time
freez_flag char(1), - freeze flag
freez_date date, - freeze start date
freez_expir date, - freeze expiration date
min_sell_qty decimal(10), - minimum sell quantity
usage_rate decimal(10), - computed from the stistatd record.
is the average usage for a given
period. if the user overrides
field, the must use the freeze flag
retain this value, otherwise,
monthly usage calculation
program will override this field
each month.
req_profit_pct decimal(6) - price margin warning
primary_bin char(15), - Primary Bin Location
secondary_bin char(15)); - Secondary Bin Location
stiinvtr - inventory item code header
item_code char(20), - key field
item_type char(1), - Stock or Non stock
item_class char(6), - item class
price_group char(6), - price group
desc1 char(30), - item description
desc2 char(30), - item description
weight decimal(8,3), - weight of the item
weight_unit char(2), - weight unit (LB,KG,OZ,etc)
volume decimal(8,3), - volume
inv_acct_no integer, - inventory account number
cog_acct_no integer, - cost of goods account number
sales_acct_no integer, - sales account number
sell_unit char(2), - selling unit
bill_unit char(2), - billing unit
stock_unit char(2), - stocking unit
purch_unit char(2), - purchasing unit
sell_factor decimal(6), - sell conversion factor
bill_factor decimal(6), - billing conversion factor
purch_factor decimal(6), - purchasing conversion factor
serialized char(1), - serialized, lot, or both.
market_price char(1), - charge market price for this item?
commodity_code char(10), - commodity code
vend_code char(20) - vendor code
incr_sell_unit decimal(10), - incr. sell unit
incr_purch_unit decimal(10) - incr. puchase unit
td_disc_allowed char(1) - Tray discount apply for item Y/N
tax char(1) - Taxable item? Y/N
stiadjme - inventory adjustment entry table
doc_no serial, - document number
doc_date date, - document date
adj_no char(10), - adjustment number
adj_desc char(30), - adjustment description
adj_acct integer, - adjustment account number
ok_post char(1), - ok to post flag
orig_journal char(2), - for drill down reference
trans_doc_no integer, - for drill down reference
posted char(1)
batch_id integer - Batch Id
index i2stiadjme on stiadjme(orig_journal, trans_doc_no)
stiadjmd - inventory adjustment detail table
doc_no integer, - document number
line_no smallint, - line number
item_code char(20), - item code
warehouse_code char(10), - warehouse
adj_qty decimal(10), - adjustment quantity
adj_cost decimal(14,4) - adjustment cost
adj_type char(1)
- adjustment type
lot_cost decimal(14,4) - Lot Cost
stiarinv - archived inventory items (mirror of stiinvtr)
item_code char(20) not null ,
item_type char(1),
item_class char(6),
price_group char(6),
desc1 char(30),
desc2 char(30),
weight decimal(8,3),
weight_unit char(2),
volume decimal(8,3),
inv_acct_no integer,
cog_acct_no integer,
sales_acct_no integer,
sell_unit char(2),
bill_unit char(2),
stock_unit char(2),
purch_unit char(2),
sell_factor decimal(6),
bill_factor decimal(6),
purch_factor decimal(6),
serialized char(1),
market_price char(1),
commodity_code char(10),
vend_code char(20),
incr_sell_unit decimal(10),
incr_purch_unit decimal(10),
last_purchased date,
last_sold date,
last_activity date,
comm_code char(6)
type_it char(1),
prod_type_it char(1),
abc_code_it char(1),
product_it char(3),
acctcd_it char(13),
department_it char(3),
low_level_it smallint,
revision_level_it char(3),
num_eng_change_it char(6),
date_eng_change_it date,
eng_drawing_it char(15),
bill_chng_date_it date,
rout_chng_date_it date,
standard_cost_it decimal(14,4),
date_last_cost_it date,
order_policy_it char(1),
cur_order_qty_it decimal(10),
eoq_order_qty_it decimal(10),
min_order_qty_it decimal(10),
max_order_qty_it decimal(10),
mult_order_qty_it decimal(10),
safety_stock_it decimal(10),
shrinkage_it decimal(10),
planner_it char(5),
buyer_it char(5),
component_count_it smallint,
routing_count_it smallint,
mfg_alloc_qty_it decimal(10),
mfg_order_qty_it decimal(10),
loc_control_it char(1),
fifo_control_it char(1),
lot_control_it char(1),
serial_control_it char(1),
group_it char(3),
cost_method_it char(3),
cur_suhr_std_it decimal(10),
cur_runhr_std_it decimal(10),
cur_machr_std_it decimal(10),
mrp_interval_it char(1),
issue_method_it char(1),
phantom_it char(1),
cur_last_roll_it date,
days_supply_it smallint,
mrp_qty_work_it decimal(10,3),
mfg_sched_rcp_it decimal(10),
cost_roll_sts_it smallint,
est_annual_usg_it decimal(10,3),
master_schedule_it char(1),
mps_group_it char(15),
mps_interval_it char(2),
interval_ofst_it smallint,
auto_rsc_build_it char(1),
rough_rsc_id_it char(10),
rough_conv_it decimal(8,4),
demand_source_it char(1),
forecast_it char(1),
fcst_group_it char(15),
fcst_interval_it char(2),
qty_or_amount_it char(1),
default_bom_it char(5),
default_rtg_it char(5),
last_rsc_gen_it date,
rev_prod_lt_it decimal(12,6),
fix_prod_lt_it decimal(12,6),
var_prod_lt_it decimal(12,6),
cumulative_lt_it decimal(12,6),
auto_msg_prod_it char(6),
pur_rel_type_it char(1),
configurable_it char(1),
config_group_it char(15)
upc_code char(15)
unique index i1iarinv on stiarinv (item_code)
index i2iarinv on stiarinv (last_purchased)
index i3iarinv on stiarinv (last_sold)
index i4iarinv on stiarinv (last_activity)
stiarloc - archived inventory location record (mirror of stilocar)
item_code char(20) not null ,
warehouse_code char(10),
line_no smallint,
count_cycle char(1),
purchase_date date,
count_date date,
sold_date date,
obsolete char(1),
inactive_date date,
lst_act_date date,
loc_aisle char(4),
loc_row char(3),
loc_bin char(3),
stock_location char(12),
avg_unit_cost decimal(14,4),
purch_unit_cost decimal(14,4),
last_cost decimal(14,4),
comm_code char(6),
price decimal(14,4),
allow_bo char(1),
taxable char(1),
terms_disc char(1),
trade_disc char(1),
vend_code char(20),
vend_prod_no char(20),
abc_code char(1),
reorder_point decimal(10),
qty_reorder decimal(10),
safety_stock decimal(10),
safety_factor decimal(6),
qty_on_hand decimal(10),
last_qty decimal(10),
stk_out_date date,
seasonal char(1),
avg_ld_tm decimal(5,2),
lst_ld_tm smallint,
pri_ld_tm smallint,
freez_flag char(1),
freez_date date,
freez_expir date,
min_sell_qty decimal(10),
usage_rate decimal(10),
req_profit_pct decimal(6)
mfg_alloc_qty_iw decimal(10,3),
standard_cost_iw decimal(14,4),
mfg_sched_rcp_iw decimal(10,3),
type_iw char(1),
acctcd_iw char(13),
department_iw char(3),
stock_uom_iw char(2),
prod_type_iw char(1),
lead_time_iw smallint,
cuml_lead_time_iw smallint,
planner_iw char(5),
buyer_iw char(5),
order_policy_iw char(1),
cur_order_qty_iw decimal(10,3),
eoq_order_qty_iw decimal(10,3),
min_order_qty_iw decimal(10,3),
max_order_qty_iw decimal(10,3),
mult_order_qty_iw decimal(10,3),
safety_stock_iw decimal(10,3),
days_supply_iw smallint,
mrp_qty_work_iw decimal(10,3),
cost_method_iw char(3),
default_bom_iw char(5),
default_rtg_iw char(5),
issue_method_iw char(1),
mrp_interval_iw char(1),
est_annual_usg_iw decimal(10,3),
shrinkage_iw decimal(8,4),
master_schedule_iw char(1),
mps_group_iw char(15),
mps_interval_iw char(2),
interval_ofst_iw smallint,
auto_rsc_build_iw char(1),
rough_rsc_id_iw char(10),
rough_conv_iw decimal(8,4),
demand_source_iw char(1),
forecast_iw char(1),
fcst_group_iw char(15),
fcst_interval_iw char(2),
qty_or_amount_iw char(1),
last_rsc_gen_iw date,
rev_prod_lt_iw decimal(12,6),
fix_prod_lt_iw decimal(12,6),
var_prod_lt_iw decimal(12,6),
cumulative_lt_iw decimal(12,6),
pur_rel_type_iw char(1),
mrp_chg_flag_iw char(1),
configurable_iw char(1),
config_group_iw char(15),
prod_line_iw char(5),
loc_control_iw char(1),
lot_control_iw char(1),
serial_control_iw char(1),
fifo_control_iw char(1),
serial_auto_iw char(1),
next_serial_iw decimal(10,0),
lot_auto_iw char(1),
next_lot_iw decimal(10,0)
index i1iarloc on stiarloc (item_code,warehouse_code)
stiartat - archived inventory item statistics (mirror or stistatd)
item_code char(20),
warehouse_code char(10),
period smallint,
yr smallint,
cost decimal(14,4),
sale decimal(12),
cqty decimal(10),
sqty decimal(10),
usage_rate decimal(10),
day_ostk smallint,
num_stk_outs smallint,
dup_sqty decimal(10),
recurr_usage decimal(10),
dup_recurr_usage decimal(10)
index i1iartat on stiartat (item_code, warehouse_code)
stitranr - inventory transaction reference table
orig_journal char(2), - originating
journal (IC)
doc_no integer, - document number (unique identifier)
doc_type char(2), - document type: [PU]-purchase/receive,
adjustment, [AJ]-adjustment
ref_no char(10) - transfer reference number
stiactvd - inventory transaction activity table
This is the true activity history (see
stistatd above). All activity,
including transfers, is recorded
here. stistatd is a subset of
orig_journal char(2), - origination journal (IC)
doc_no integer, - document number (unique identifier)
line_no smallint, - line number
item_code char(20), - item code
warehouse_code char(10),- warehouse
qty decimal(10), - transaction quantity
cost decimal(14,4), - transaction cost
price decimal(14,4), - transaction price
comm_code char(6), - transaction commission code
item_class char(3) - item product class
in_statistics char(1) - transaction used for Usage calculations
stiactvv - Inventory Transaction Activity View Table
orig_journal char(2) -Original Journal
doc_no integer -Document Number
post_no integer
-Post Number
post_date date -Post Date
doc_date date -Document Date
ref_code char(20) -Reference Code
doc_desc char(30) -Document Description
doc_type char(2)
-Document Type
ref_no char(10) -Reference Number
line_no smallint -Line Number
item_code char(20) -Item Code
warehouse_code char(10)
-Warehouse Code
qty decimal(10) -Quantity
cost decimal(12) -Cost
create view "root".stiactvv (orig_journal,doc_no,post_no,post_date,
warehouse_code,qty,cost,price,comm_code,item_class,in_statistics) as
select x1.orig_journal ,x1.doc_no
,x1.post_no ,x1.post_date
,x1.doc_date ,x1.ref_code
,x1.doc_desc ,x0.doc_type ,x0.ref_no
,x2.line_no ,x2.item_code
,x2.warehouse_code ,x2.qty ,x2.cost
,x2.price ,x2.comm_code
,x2.item_class ,x2.in_statistics
from "root".stitranr x0
,"root".stxtranr x1 ,"root".stiactvd x2
where (((x0.doc_no = x1.doc_no ) AND (x0.orig_journal =
x1.orig_journal ) ) AND ((x0.doc_no =
x2.doc_no ) AND
(x0.orig_journal =
sticstvr - inventory control stack table
hierarchy_no serial not null , -
number given a purchase at a unique
item_code char(20), - item code for purchased item
warehouse_code char(10), - warehouse code for storing item
quantity decimal(10), - quantity of item purchased
cost decimal(14,4), - cost per item
vend_code char(20) - vendor code
po_no char(20) - PO number
rec_doc_no integer - Receipt doc number
receipt_date date - Receipt date
recv_qty decimal(10) - Qty received
recv_cost decimal(14,4) - Received Landed Cost
stiserla - Serial Audit Table
orig_journal char(2),
original journal
doc_no integer,
document number
line_no smallint,
line number
ship_no smallint,
shipment number
lot_no char(20),
lot number
serial_no char(20),
serial number
lot_qty decimal(10),
lot quantity
cost decimal(14,4),
in_out char(3)
in or out
bin_location char(15)
Bin Location
stiserld - inventory item serial detail table
item_code char(20), - inventory item code
warehouse_code char(10), - warehouse code
seq_no serial not null , - sequence number
lot_no char(20), - lot number
serial_no char(20), - serial number
lot_qty decimal(10), - lot quantity
cost decimal(14,4), - cost
vend_code char(20), - vendor code
expiry_date date - Expiry Date
po_no char(20) - PO number
rec_doc_no integer - Receipt doc number
receipt_date date - Receipt date
recv_qty decimal(10) - Qty received
recv_cost decimal(14,4) - Received Landed Cost
bin_location char(15) - Bin Location
stiserle - inventory item serial header table
orig_journal char(2), - original journal
doc_no integer, - document number
line_no smallint, - line number
ship_no smallint, - shipment number
lot_no char(20), - lot number
serial_no char(20), - serial number
lot_qty decimal(10), - lot quantity
item_code char(20), - item code
warehouse_code char(10), - warehouse code
in_out char(3), - in or out
expiry_date date - Expiry Date
bin_location char(15) - Bin Location
stishipr - This table is not in use
item_code char(20),
intl_prod_class char(5),
prod_ver char(2),
release_date date,
f_ord_date date,
f_ship_date date,
eol_date date,
l_ord_date date,
l_ship_date date,
stop_ship char(1),
stop_ship_start date,
stop_ship_end date,
need_lic char(1)
create view "root".stitranv
ref_code,doc_desc,doc_type,ref_no) as
select x1.orig_journal ,x1.doc_no
,x1.post_no ,x1.post_date
,x1.doc_date ,x1.ref_code
,x1.doc_desc ,x0.doc_type ,x0.ref_no
from "root".stitranr x0
,"root".stxtranr x1 where ((x0.orig_journal
= x1.orig_journal ) AND (x0.doc_no =
x1.doc_no ) ) ;
stiwhser - Inventory Warehouse Table
whse_code char(10), - Warehouse Code
description char(30), - Warehouse Description
department char(3), - Warehouse Department
address1 char(30), - Warehouse Address 1
address2 char(30), - Warehouse Address 2
city char(20), - Warehouse City
state char(2), - Warehouse State
zip char(10), - Warehouse Zip
country char(20), - Warehouse Country
phone char(20), - Warehouse Telephone Number
email char(50), - email address
fax_phone char(20) - Fax phone number
location_control char(1)- Location
Control? Y/N
stilccat - Landed Cost Category
category char(30), - Category
var_acct_no integer, - Variance account number
alloc_method char(1) - Allocation method
(C) Cost
(W) Weight
(V) Volume
(M) Manual
unique index i1ilccat on stilccat(category);
stibinlr - Multi Bin reference table
warehouse_code char(10), - Warehouse
bin_location char(15) - Bin Location
sticadjs - Physical/Cycle count entry
via scanner
doc_no integer,
line_no smallint,
item_code char(20),
warehouse_code char(10),
bin_location char(12),
serial_no char(20),
lot_no char(20),
expire_date date,
qty_on_hand decimal(10),
adj_qty decimal(10),
count_qty decimal(10),
l_mod_date date,
l_mod_time char(8),
l_mod_id char(8),
edit_ok char(1),
disposition char(3),
alt_warehouse char(10)
stilocap - MRP Module
item_code char(20),
warehouse_code char(10),
source_type char(1),
source_id char(20),
qty_min decimal(10,3),
qty_max decimal(10,3)